Delight mommy-to-be with one (or a combo!) of these 45 awesome baby shower gift ideas.
Going to a baby shower and wondering what to shower mom and baby with that will really be a huge blessing?

Here are some baby shower ideas this new mama will absolutely love!
If this is her first child, she may not know all of what she needs just yet. It was only after I gave birth that I realized what items would make postpartum life with my twins a whole lot easier.
Here are 45 baby shower gift ideas any mommy-to-be will be incredibly thankful for!
Baby Shower Gifts Ideas
I try to shoot for two things when I give a baby shower gift.
First, I try to meet the baby’s needs in some way (clothes, diapers, etc). Second, since I know how hard the transition is as a new mom, I try to gift mom with something just for her.
After the baby is born, mothers usually tend to focus primarily on baby’s needs while neglecting her own.
I like to get creative so I can gift her with something she will need, but may not end up buying for herself.
These babyshower gift ideas are broken down into these two categories.
And one more thing.
Something that might be unconventional but oh soo appreciative is to buy mother-to-be an online birthing class! This is more personal and can be seen as luxurious since mom can stay home and take an online birthing class.
One of the best is the Kopa Natural Hospital Birth Class.

To learn more about this awesome class, check out my review of online birthing classes.
Baby Shower Gift Ideas for Baby
1. Baby Sleep Sack
I used the Halo brand with my twins. I loved it, and so did they! Sleep sacks are great for naps and overnight sleeping because they help keep baby warm while reducing the risk of SIDS.
2. Diaper Bag
Make sure to keep the baby’s gender in mind when picking out the style and colors. If she’s waiting until delivery to find out the baby’s gender, consider something gender-neutral.
Some mothers would prefer a diaper bag that resembles that of a purse. Backpack diaper bags are also pretty common. It means she wouldn’t have a diaper bag and a car seat hanging from her shoulder when she runs errands.
Related post: What to Pack in Your Diaper Bag as a New Mom
3. Humidifier
Help her keep baby healthy by keeping moisture in the air. Especially if she lives in a place with higher temperatures.
4. Handmade Toy
A handmade toy or doll may very well be the most memorable gift she receives, mama! Simply because it’s something that will last far longer than a pack of diapers or a newborn outfit.
Are you good at sewing? Do you love to make crafts with your hands? Go for it!
An adorable keepsake she can hold onto for years carries a lot of value because she knows you put your valuable time, thoughts, love, and creativity into it. 🙂
Her baby can play with it and even pass it along to other children she may have in the future.
Check out this list of 60 DIY gift ideas for baby!
5. Receiving Blankets
Can’t have too many of these, right?! Receiving blankets can be used to protect the baby from germs when laid on the floor for tummy time or used as a changing pad for diaper changes.
They’re lightweight and are a whole lot easier to travel with than a larger blanket.
6. Diaper Bag Pouch Organizers

These organizers are brilliant and the perfect compliment to any diaper bag. Otherwise things could get pretty messy.
She’ll love that she can easily compartmentalize large and small items within her diaper bag.
Now she won’t have to throw things like socks, hygiene items, wipes, and snacks all into one large part of the bag.
7. Diaper Pail
What could be better than a diaper pail that locks in those funky odors so your house doesn’t reek like a porta potty?!
Here are a couple things to consider before purchasing this gift:
- Will this new mama want to take on the expense of replacing the diaper pail bags?
- Most diaper pails seems to last for about 2 years before the entire unit needs replacing.
- Is this something you can see her using? Some mothers prefer to stick to simple and less costly methods of disposing of diapers (like tossing them on the porch in a bin until the trash is taken out of the home.
8. Diaper Cake
Diaper cakes are becoming more common. It’s basically an assortment of diapers arranged like a wedding cake consisting of either 2 or 3 tiers.
Some of them also have other baby items hidden in the middle of the “cake” (such as baby clothes, shoes, or bathing supplies). What a perfect baby shower gift!
It’s both very decorative and contains practical items baby can use. You can purchase a premade diaper cake or you can have tons of fun making one yourself. This could be a fun family project to do with your kiddos.
9. A Convertible Crib
Little babies have to grow up…and it happens so fast! Knowing what she’ll use for a crib now can later be transformed into a toddler bed will take the pressure off later.
Not having to create new space within the same room for a toddler bed will be a relief. Not to mention, it’ll save her money!
10. Baby Carrier
A baby carrier is useful both in and out of the house. She can carry baby in front or behind her when she cleans up around the home or makes dinner.
Having a carrier on hand may also encourage her to take more walks with baby and spend more time outdoors. 🙂
11. Sensory Play Mat

A lot of times, baby shower guests tend to buy gifts centered around what baby will need within the first 3 months or so.
Once her baby starts to crawl and explore, she’ll be happy for this play mat. It’s a great place for her to put baby for tummy time so he or she can work their muscles and start learning to crawl!
12. Diaper Caddy
Diaper duty is so demanding during the initial months after the baby’s delivery. A diaper caddy makes it easy to keep all diapering items close by and organized.
It’s easy to carry from room to room and is a recipe for a happy mom.
13. Portable Baby Swing
Baby swings are one of my favorite items I had for my twins! They loved it! 🙂
Babies love movement. The music and toys were soothing and kept them entertained while I cooked, cleaned, showered, or went to the bathroom! 🙂
Once they grew past the newborn stage, they didn’t want to lay down on their backs or be held too often. So this was a nice convenient and safe alternative.
You can also include any batteries that may be needed.
14. Homemade Baby Quilt
Ever had grandma or mom make you a quilt with their very own hands? There’s nothing like it! Every time you use it, it reminds you of them. Your unique quilt will be a keepsake baby will have from you alone.
Over the years it won’t be tossed out so easily like a blanket from a retail store.
15. Clothing
Babies grow extremely fast during the first few years of life. While most other baby shower guests will be consumed with buying the newborn onesies and outfits, consider buying clothes that are least 3+ months.
So often, new moms are given so much newborn clothing that their baby may not even have the chance to wear it all before growing out of it!
16. Diapers
Diapers are top of mind with new parents.
So don’t feel bad if a few other guests are helping her stockpile. The key is to give her a variety of different sizes (not just newborn). Baby will grow so fast. Some babies only fit the newborn size for a week or two before moving up.
You don’t want her to have the hassle of trying to exchange sizes.
17. Stroller
Being able to transport baby and be out and about is a healthy part of your postpartum recovery. It may also reduce her risk of postpartum anxiety.
Consider a stroller that comes with the newborn carseat attachment so it fits right in. If her carseat model isn’t compatible with the stroller, it may be more of a hassle for her.
18. Baby Bathing Gift Basket
Baby is always going to need hygiene products. Gifting mama with a bundle of bathing items is something she’ll need no matter what.
Include things like:
- Soap
- Baby towels and washcloths
- Lotion
- Bathing toys
- Hair brush
- And other bathing items
19. Boppy
Breastfeeding with the wrong posture can create intense back pain!
A boppy will give her the support she needs to bring the baby to her breast rather than lean in to where the baby is. Ouch! When baby gets older it can also be used to sit baby up at an angle to look around.
Or better yet, she’ll love a small, portable boppy! She’ll be able to put her baby down comfortably when she’s a guest at someone else’s home.
20. Baby Dishware
She’ll be happy to have baby dishware on hand for when her baby starts to eat yummy foods.
She will need things like baby cups, sippy cups, as well as baby plates, silverware, and bowls. The non-spill snack cups were my go-to snack cup when my twins were little, so don’t forget those!
21. Car Seat Toys
Car rides are great for putting baby to sleep. But if nap time has passed and baby’s wide awake, car seat toys are a great way to keep baby distracted and content.
22. Busy Bag
Peace and quiet is essential for sanity! A busy bag is the perfect way to give her little one some creative activities he or she can do independently.
23. Baby Monitor
A baby monitor will make it easy for her to step away from baby to cook, take out the trash, or prepare a meal. It’s hard to hear a baby crying from the other room when you’re in the shower. 🙂
24. Hair Accessories
Okay, not so much for a little fella. But accessorizing girls is so much fun! Especially when mama and baby match!
They’re only little once! She’ll be taking lots of pictures so her baby girl needs to look her best.
25. Baby Bottles
You really can’t go wrong with baby bottles. Bottles can be used for breastfed and formula fed babies. I’d go with BPA free bottles.
Related post: 8 Best Bottles for Breastfed Babies
26. Breast Pump
Even is she plans to feed from the breast, she may later find it’s necessary to pump breast milk later on to go back to work or to catch a break while someone else feeds her baby from a bottle.
Sometimes her medical insurance will cover this cost, so check in with her to see if she plans on getting a breast pump that way.
27. Pack N’ Play
Pack N’ Plays are nice because she can use it every month for about the first year of baby’s life. It can be used as a baby bed, and then a playpen when the baby gets older.
28. Toys
It’s nice to have at least a couple age appropriate toys on hand for each new stage of baby’s life. I’d recommend buying toys her baby can play with during his or her interactive crawling stages since it will take more to hold their attention.
Mommy can do more for herself or around the house if baby is playing independently.
29. High Chair
This is one of the main items a baby will need during the first year. Receiving this as a gift is enough to make a new mama shout with joy!
30. Baby Stages Record Book

This is an easy and fun way for her to track all the precious moments of her babies first few years of life! She’ll be happy to look back later on and remember all baby’s milestones and view photos of baby’s monthly growth.
We don’t realize it when our babies are young, but the little moments in everyday life are worth capturing frequently because we forget so much over time.
Having a special place to record baby’s life will help her remember not to let the little moments slip away!
31. Baby Bath
It may also be nice to give her a couple of bathing items such as baby towels, soap, or baby wash clothes.
32. Baby Bullet
Is she health-oriented? A label reader? If she’s on her health game, she’ll most likely be very selective of which foods she gives to her baby.
The baby bullet is a quick and easy way to make baby food from home!
33. Baby First Aid Kit
Every mother should have a first aid kit on hand with at least a few essential items. Here are some things to include:
- Baby thermometer
- Antiseptic wipes
- Infant toothbrush
- Baby nail clippers
- Baby comb and brush
- Cotton balls
- Medicine dropper
- Bulb syringe
- Baby Tylenol
34. Bibs
Can she really have enough of these? …Uh, no! Trying to keep baby’s clothes clean through snacks and meals is not realistic if she doesn’t have a stockpile of bibs.
Baby Shower Gift Ideas for Her
35. Cleaning Service
New mothers LOVE this! Keeping house (even doing the bare minimum) is often overwhelming as a new mom! Especially with multiple little ones.
It can take months to get into a routine that works for the whole family.
You don’t need to pay to have her entire house cleaned, just the main areas. She’ll be super grateful to have her bathroom cleaned once every couple of weeks.
Squatting to clean the tub and toilet as often as it needs it may interfere with proper healing.
36. Food Service
I’d say a meal (along with cleaning) service is the ultimate baby shower gift that tops all others.
Eating healthy meals (and enough of them) is probably one of the most challenging factors for new mothers. It sure was for me! Food service doesn’t have to be costly. It can look like any of the following:
- Gift cards for restaurants
- Doing her grocery shopping for her
- Cooking her meals for her in her home
- Preparing meals in your home and taking them to her
- Buying frozen premade meals from the store and delivering them for her to cook easily with little effort
37. Gift Cards or Cash
After the babyshower has passed, chances are mom will still need to get a few more items for her baby. You can never go wrong with gifting her cash or gift cards.
It’s actually a relief to receive these types of gifts because it makes it possible for mom to buy anything she needs during her postpartum period that may not be baby items.
It could be gas for the car, food, toiletries, or bills. All of these things are just as important to sustain her new family.
38. A Break
Having all the items baby needs is one thing. But caring for baby day in and day out means she’ll need a break eventually. Even if it’s just to shower, brush her teeth, eat a meal, or dress up to feel beautiful again.
Giving her 30 minutes to 1 hour may not seem like much to you, but to her, it’s precious time she may not otherwise get.
39. YMCA Membership
The YMCA is awesome because it is so family-focused. The fact that you can drop your child off for 2 hours everyday while you workout or do some other activity in the building makes the membership so worth it!
Encourage her to get out after her baby is born rather than stay cooped up in the house.
40. Relaxing Bathing Kit
Bathing supplies will soothe her when she has those “lock yourself in the bathroom” days. Self care is an important part of motherhood. Lotions, soaps, bath salts, and essential oils are all great add-ins.
41. Newborn Pictures
Know of any companies or photographers that take newborn pictures? Why not pay to have professional newborn pictures taken? You can be sure it’s something she’ll hold onto and treasure for years to come.
42. A Beautiful Maternity Dress
This may be hard if you don’t know her taste in clothing. But it says a lot if you try. Pick out something you think she would look beautiful in. She may need a good friend to help her feel and see her inner and outer beauty.
43. Letters to My Baby
She’ll be sure to vocalize her hopes and dreams for her little one over the years. But when her baby is all grown up, the tears will flow when he or she finally delivers these special, personal handwritten letters from (younger) mom.
She’ll write 12 different letters that her child will read when he or she gets older. This set includes 12 different writing prompts. Here are a few:
- On the day you were born…
- My wishes for you are…
- Your first home was like this…
It sure will be awesome for her child to have such valuable treasures from mom in writing. It’s personal and heartwarming.
44. A Night Out
Create a basket of items to cover a couple different nights with the ladies or with her hubby. Throw in some gift cards for places she can enjoy a bite to eat or where she can grab coffee with her friends.
You can also throw in some money for her to pay a babysitter.
45. Care for Her Older Children
It can be hard to give her older children the attention they want and need with a new baby that needs her around the clock.
Plan a day out with her older children so she can rest and take care of her and her baby. For example, you can take them to the zoo and cover all the expenses while mom has the day to herself with the baby.
You can also volunteer to help out with her older children while she is in labor, in the hospital, or during her postpartum recovery. You can also help with drop off and pick-up at school or daycare.
Bring Her the Perfect Baby Shower Gift
There you have it! 45 awesome baby shower gift ideas for new mothers.
A baby shower is such an amazing time to celebrate the coming of a new baby into this world and into a family! It’s exciting and a wonderful time to support mom and dad during what may otherwise be a rough transition.
Love and support from friends and family is an incredible blessing. Find the perfect babyshower gift for her.
Now it’s your turn, mama. What were your favorite babyshower gifts that made motherhood so much easier? Share with us in the comments!
Don’t forget to pin!

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