What you need to know about implantation bleeding if you are newly pregnant.
You time your periods very carefully.
You know exactly when Aunt Flow is supposed to be arriving.
No surprises, tampon in hand!
Read more →You time your periods very carefully.
You know exactly when Aunt Flow is supposed to be arriving.
No surprises, tampon in hand!
Read more →If you thought having your first baby was a whirlwind experience, then having your second is a whole different ball-game!
Well, in my case, I had my second baby exactly one minute after my first! Yay for twins.
So I had to sit down with some mom friends who have children more than one minute apart to get the scoop on what it’s really like before considering baby number two.
Read more →Are you feeling that burning sensation in your chest, mama? Are you struggling to eat and sleep comfortably? It could be heartburn!
And you’re not alone!
About half of all pregnant women experience heartburn – also known as acid reflux.
Read more →Although you know exercise is the best thing for you and baby, it sure can be hard to make it happen regularly.
Especially as each trimester presents new challenges.
Morning sickness, downing your prenatal pill twice a day, and the hormonal changes in your body can be hard to endure enough on their own. Exercising can seem like just one more thing to do.
But the benefits of getting frequent exercise during pregnancy are astounding!
Read more →
Expecting mamas often have thoughts of concern and even worry playing in the background throughout pregnancy. As we experience certain changes in our bodies, it can be hard to tell what’s normal.
And if it’s not normal, we’re left to question just how serious the problem is.
It’s easy to develop fear around not knowing the medical term your doctor just diagnosed you with.
Read more →Elna is a mom to twins who blogs and writes for a living. She loves all things mom. While she’s not blogging, you can find Elna meal planning, organizing and helping other moms in her Facebook group, Ready Set Blog for Traffic (From Mom to Mompreneur). →