The mega list of indoor and outdoor toddler activities to quit boredom for good!
Are you a stay-at-home mom with no time?

That’s me for sure.
I have a toddler son and I recently became a stay-at-home mom.
But, I’m finding I have no stinking time to do anything.
I have some tricks to get things done, but now that the weather is warmer, all my son wants to do from 9 am until 5 pm is play or go outside and play.
So, I’ve rounded up over 170 indoor and outdoor activities to keep you little toddler busy and give mom a ton of hours!
These will work for rainy days, snow days, hot days and more!
From non-messy toddler activities to full-on get yourself and everyone around you messy, here are some funtastic activities for your entire family.
Indoor Toddler Activities
1. Chunky Farm Puzzle
My son loves puzzles and animals! This Chunky Farm puzzle idea from Kristina of Toddler Approved is totally going in my beach bag!
Kristina provides printables and all you need are cardboard and some glue! You can also use velcro to connect the puzzles to a back or frame.
2. Pool Noodle Stringing
You know, the best toddler activities are the most simplest. Crystal of Money Saving Mom has a great quiet and busy activity for small children. Use pool noodle pieces and string them together.
Genius! This is going in the car for the day trips.
3. A Car Parking Numbers Game
Krissy of B-Inspired Mama has such an amazing activity for boys…and girls. My son loves dinosaurs and cars. He’s not a big fan of “learning numbers, colors and things like that” but with this car parking numbers game, he won’t even know he’s learning!
4. Bean Bag Toss
One of the easiest things you can set up is a bean bag toss. All you need are some colored paper taped to the floor and a bean bag or something similar to toss.
Set lines to make it more challenging for the bigger people!
5. Balloon Tennis Indoor Gross Motor Play
This is such a fun game to play with your toddler! With some paper plates and painting sticks you can make a balloon tennis game!
6. Fall Tree Contact Paper Play
Doesn’t this look fun! Even if it’s not fall, this is a great indoor activity on a rainy or cool day. Make sure to check out Minne Me’s post on how to create this activity!
7. Heads and Tails
Teach your little one the heads and tails of various animals! Put some velcor on the pieces and you can use this if you’re in a restaurant too!
8. Color Wheel
Teach your child colors with this fun color wheel by Craftionary. Toddlers can match the colors and you can even put words on it to help them recognize how to spell each color!
9. Shape Sorting for Toddlers
Mess for Less has a such a cute and functional activity that will give you hours to do what you want! Use an old ice cube tray and create little shape cards for matching! My boy would totally love this when mom needs a break!
10. Fishing Game
Suitcases and Sippy Cups has such a cute and fun felt fishing game for any age! This is a great turn-taking game to teach and makes a good game for playdate.
11. Fine Motor Practice with Frog and Pond Theme
Make sure to check out this awesome game that boys would love. Create a ‘frog’ from an old parmesan container and grab some plastic tweezers and fake spiders and feed the frog! So cute, right moms?
12. Sticky Sheep for Toddlers
How cute is this? Use sticky paper and cotton balls and make a sheep? Your child will have hours of fun doing this activity.
13. Color Pom Pom Drop
Princesses, Pies, & Preschool Pizzazz has a neat color matching idea using tubes and poms. Let your little one help you create this activity and let him to town on it!
14. Painting with Ice
How amazing is this? Easy Peasy and Fun has a great idea to use ice and paint on those hot days. But, this can also be a fun indoor activity if it’s raining or your child is sick.
Most of material I’m sure you already have so when your child is in bed, make these up so that for the next day, you’ll have some ice painting fun!
15. Painter’s Tape Roadway
Do you have a boy? Is he wild like mine and never listens? This Painter’s Tape Roadway from Mama. Papa. Bubba is perfect for your little guy. He will spend hours creating his own world for his toy cars.
16. Galaxy Dough
Boost your homemade play dough with glitter and call it Galaxy Dough! My son loves play dough and he’s going to love this galactic space type of dough! Growing a Jeweled Rose has the best recipe so make sure to check it out!
17. Feed the Lego Monster
Toddler Approved has such a fun and cute idea that your child will spend hours playing with it! It’s Feed the Lego Monster. Make a monster face out of a paper bag and there you go! Your child can use their imagination, make a family of monster and have fun!
18. Mess Free Finger Painting
I’m sure as a mom the number one thing you can’t stand is a big mess right? I’m like that too. I’m constantly cleaning up after my child. But, this activity is amazing and it’s clean and…it involves paint!
Hippie House Wife has an ingenious idea to finger painting. Make sure to check it out!
19. Ring Toss
A Little Learning for Two has a great craft activity that turns into a game. With some paper plates and a paper towel roll, you can create a ring toss game for your child!
20. Hammering Tees Into a Box
I LOVE this idea from Hands On As We Grow! My son can be rough at times and this activity is a great way to explore that behavior in the right way!
21. Painting With Water
Kids of all ages love water. Why not give them a cup of water, a paintbrush and paper and let them have a go with it? Tales of a Teacher Mom has a great activity for this!
22. Button Sorting
About Family Crafts has an easy button sorting game that is quiet and educational! This can teach your child about sizes, colors and shapes!
23. Q-Tip Painting
Instead of a paintbrush, why not try q-tips? Chaning it up can make painting a new activity for your child! Buggy and Buddy show you how you can do this. Have fun!
24. Card Slot Drop
Busy Toddler has a great game to keep you toddler….busy for hours! With some items arond the house, you can have this for your litlte one in no time!
25. Drawing With Cars
How cool is this? Does your little one have chunky cars? If so, attach some markers and let them draw with their cars! Genius ideas from Clares Little Tots
Bonus: Print Some Coloring Pages
While there are so many awesome cool toddler activities you can try, there will be days where you are super stressed and just can’t whip up a box for your child to hammer into or use.
Instead, print up some free coloring pages to have on hand. Check out these free unicorn coloring pages and free mermaid coloring pages you can print up!
Outdoor Toddler Activities
1. DIY Sand and Rock Box
Frogs Snails and Puppy Dog Tails has such a great idea to enliven your sand box. Or, just make a sandbox and include these items!
My son loves construction cars and can play with them all day. This is perfect!
2. Squirt Gun Painting
Fireflies and Mudpies has a colorful and fun activity. Make some beautiful and colorful water color art with….squirt guns!
Kids of all ages will love this outdoor activity.
3. Outside Sticky Wall
Let your child explore with this sticky wall. Busy Toddler has another great activity to get your kid busy for hours! And mom likes that!
4. Nature Scavenger Hunt
Life With My Littles has a great scavenger hunt printable you can use for your child. They get to explore their environment and use their detective eyes to find these items!
5. Toddler Color Hop
Learn Play Imagine has a fun gross motor game to encourage movement and learn colors at the same time!
6. Shaving Cream Painting
Fun With Mama ha such a fun and sensory activity that all kids will enjoy! Use shaving cream as paint!
7. Follow the Line
The Pinterested Parents has a fun activity for your little one. Draw a long and windy trail with chalk and have your child follow the line!
8. Bubble Snakes
One Little Project has an amazing and unique activity. Bubble snakes! Make sure to check it out and try it out!
9. Muddy Tracks and Car Wash
Now this activity from none other than Busy Toddler is the best! It’s messy, has bubbles, water, mud and…the best part? It keeps them busy for hours!
10. Toddler Water Wall
Adventures and Play has a cool and neat idea to recycle water bottles and create a wall waterfall!
11. Tin Foil Water Play
This activity needs a grown up to set up. Frugal Fun for Boys uses You tin foil and some rocks to create an epic river!
12. Tricycle Car Wash
Design Mom has a fun idea for a car wash! Why not make a tricycle car wash? Your child will love this idea and will wash thier tricycle all day!
13. Pouring Station
What kid doesn’t like water and cups? Ah, Busy Toddler does it again!
14. Water Ballon Parachute
Fantastic Fun and Learning will not only have your child having fun, but your husband too! Together they can make these fun balloon parachutes to land on some town or on dinosaurs…you name it!
15. Pool Noodle Obstacle Course
What are you suppose to do with all those pool noodles? Developing the Whole Child says to create an obstacle course with it!
16. Puffy Paint
What is puffy paint? How do you make it? Check out One Little Project to see how fun your little one will have!
Collections of Long Lasting Toddler Activities for Summer
Want some awesome roundups of toddler activities? Check these ones out!
50+ Awesome Summer Activities for Toddlers
30 Crazy and Cool Activities for Summer
25 Summer Activities for Girls
Over 25 Summer Activities for Boys of All Ages
Summer Fun for the Toddler; Rest and Time for Mom
Wow! This summer will be fun for sure! Do you have a favorite go-to activity to keep your little one occupied for hours? Make sure to tell me!
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