• 15 Amazing Ways to Get Free Baby Stuff (For Low-Income Families)

    15 Amazing Ways to Get Free Baby Stuff (For Low-Income Families)

    Here are simple and easy ways to get free baby stuff for expecting moms in 2022

    They may be tiny, but buying stuff for your baby is not cheap!

    Having a child is going to make a significant impact on your household budget – while there are some costs you expect such as diapers and formula, there are others that may take you by surprise like increased power bills and additional health insurance.

    Trust me, I got the double-shock when two babies came along instead of one!

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  • 13 Newborn Toys for the Best Development

    13 Newborn Toys for the Best Development

    Find some amazing newborn toys to help your little one have the best development!

    There are SO MANY options!

    Where the heck do you even start?

    From every type of stuffed animal you could imagine to things that light up and make noise (that for some reason don’t have an off switch!)

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  • 40 Birth Affirmations That Will Help With Childbirth

    40 Birth Affirmations That Will Help With Childbirth

    Wonderful birth affirmation to help with childbirth

    Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just zen your way out of experiencing the pain of childbirth?

    Childbirth is so unique and personal for every women who experiences it but most women feel fear and apprehension regarding childbirth.

    Although millions of women give birth around the globe, it’s still a journey into the unknown.

    These thoughts and feelings are completely normal but you may want to address any negative beliefs you have about birth so that you can truly enjoy the experience.

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  • I Wish I Had This New Mom Care Package : Gift Ideas for New Moms

    I Wish I Had This New Mom Care Package : Gift Ideas for New Moms

    Having a new mom care package sounds like the best thing for moms. Learn how to provide this to your new mom friends!

    New moms hardly have any time to care for themselves.

    They are just too busy caring for their babies.

    I know for me, that first year as a mom to twins, is lost by me! I have no idea how I survived that first year as a mom.

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  • What to Include in a Monthly Expense List

    What to Include in a Monthly Expense List

    Figure out your monthly expenses with this list and gain some budgeting tips along the way.

    Do you struggle to keep track of all your monthly expenses?

    Does it seem like there is always more month at the end of your money?

    You know you should be keeping track of your monthly household expenses, but you don’t know where to start.

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Elna is a mom to twins who blogs and writes for a living. She loves all things mom. While she’s not blogging, you can find Elna meal planning, organizing and helping other moms in her Facebook group, Ready Set Blog for Traffic (From Mom to Mompreneur).