• What to Expect with a C Section

    What to Expect with a C Section

    Learn what to expect with a c-section as a first timer.

    Whether or not you are having a planned C-Section it is always nice to prepare yourself for what to expect with a C section.

    With about 32% of US babies being born via cesarean section, it’s not uncommon for women to go into childbirth hoping for a vaginal birth and having to have a C section for one reason or another.

    Especially if you’re pregnant with twins!

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  • 30 Labor and Delivery Terms Every Expectant Mom Should Know

    30 Labor and Delivery Terms Every Expectant Mom Should Know

    The Must-Know Labor and Delivery Terms for Pregnant Moms

    It’s funny how childbirth happens every day but there’s no 100% preparing a mom-to-be for what she is about to experience.

    However, knowledge is power, and the more you educate yourself about the process of labor and delivery, the less scary the entire ordeal will seem.

    To help you better prepare for this amazing experience, I’ve put together a list of labor and delivery terms you should know as an expectant mother.

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  • 15 Top Fertility Supplements to Help Get Pregnant

    15 Top Fertility Supplements to Help Get Pregnant

    Top fertility supplements if your having a hard time trying to get pregnant

    Are you trying to have a baby but nothing seems to be happening?

    Here’s an interesting fact: A woman’s natural fertility rate is about 20% per month. That means for every 100 fertile women trying to get pregnant in one cycle, only 20 will be successful.

    While we are biologically designed to make babies, that doesn’t mean it will happen every try.

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  • 100+ Easy Dinner Ideas for New Moms (Who Are Tired and Busy)

    100+ Easy Dinner Ideas for New Moms (Who Are Tired and Busy)

    Get some easy dinner ideas if you’re a new mom!

    Have you ever been staring into your pantry just willing your mind to come up with something for dinner?

    Having a meal plan can save you from that dread, but then you would have to actually plan ahead – especially if you are a new mom to a newborn.

    Sometimes when I would sit down to write out a menu plan, I would either be completely stumped and just go with the same go-to trio of chili, spaghetti, and pizza (staples in my house growing up).

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  • Best Postpartum Belly Wrap If You Had a C-Section Birth

    Best Postpartum Belly Wrap If You Had a C-Section Birth

    Learn what postpartum belly wrap works for you if you had a C-section

    Bouncing back after having a baby can be difficult enough.

    Getting back into the groove of things after a C-section takes even longer.

    No driving, no picking up anything other than your baby, no moving around really.

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Elna is a mom to twins who blogs and writes for a living. She loves all things mom. While she’s not blogging, you can find Elna meal planning, organizing and helping other moms in her Facebook group, Ready Set Blog for Traffic (From Mom to Mompreneur).