• 20 Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Boys

    20 Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Boys

    Get your stocking stuffer ideas for boys and get ready for Christmas!

    With the holidays fast approaching, it’s time to start thinking about Christmas ideas for babies and boys.

    One of the favorite things my twins love opening up are their stocking stuffers. 

    I stuff those stocking up to the top and most of the things overflow.

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  • 8 Ways on How to Increase the Chances of Getting Pregnant

    8 Ways on How to Increase the Chances of Getting Pregnant

    Easy ways to increase the chances of getting pregnant for the first time

    So you have finally made the decision to have a baby and are wondering how to increase your chances of getting pregnant.


    Now where to start?

    The ability to increase your chances of getting pregnant fast has a lot of different contributing factors, some you can and some you can’t control. For me, I had to have intervention (IVF) to increase my chance of getting pregnant.

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  • 15 Fantastic Advent Calendar Ideas (That Are Candy-Free)

    15 Fantastic Advent Calendar Ideas (That Are Candy-Free)

    Wonderful candy-free Advent calendar ideas!

    Do you always feel like the month of December creeps up on you so suddenly?

    The last thing I remember, I was gearing up for summer fun with my kiddos. Then, out of nowhere, I’m sending them back to school.

    Before I knew it, I was thinking about Christmas.

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  • 18 Natural Baby Cold Remedies

    18 Natural Baby Cold Remedies

    Get effective natural cold remedies for your baby

    As a mama, it is so difficult to see your baby suffering with cold symptoms.

    Their tiny noses running, terrible sounding coughs, itchy and watery eyes, and of course just wanting to snuggle and fighting sleep.

    But with so many different cold remedies out there, which natural baby cold remedies are the best for your little one?

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  • 12 Things Not To Do After Having a C-Section

    12 Things Not To Do After Having a C-Section

    About to have a C-section? Learn what you can’t do after this surgery.

    No matter how your baby arrives in this world, your body goes through a lot to make it happen.

    While vaginal birth does do a number on your body, mothers who have C-sections don’t get to walk away from pain and recovery.

    On the contrary, there are special considerations that have to be taken when it comes to healing from a cesarean section.

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Elna is a mom to twins who blogs and writes for a living. She loves all things mom. While she’s not blogging, you can find Elna meal planning, organizing and helping other moms in her Facebook group, Ready Set Blog for Traffic (From Mom to Mompreneur).