• 16 Third Trimester Must Haves (You Can’t Live Without)

    16 Third Trimester Must Haves (You Can’t Live Without)

    Not sure what essentials you’ll need for your 3rd trimester of pregnancy? Find out now! You’ll be glad you did!

    So, you‘ve made it to trimester three!

    Baby’s due date is approaching fast.

    Are you ready?!

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  • 11 Second Trimester Must Haves (You Didn’t Know You Needed)

    11 Second Trimester Must Haves (You Didn’t Know You Needed)

    Approaching trimester two? Congratulations! Get ready by gathering these top 10 pregnancy must-haves.

    The days seem long and it’s harder to get comfortable when you’re carrying a little one in your tummy. Everyone says you have that gorgeous “pregnancy glow”, but you just can’t see what they’re talking about.

    From the time of your first prenatal visit, your focus has been all about your baby.

    While there’s nothing wrong with that, these 10 must-haves have a lot more to do with you than baby. You deserve the special attention. The spotlight’s on you, mama! 🙂

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  • Best Breast Pumping Guide for New Moms

    Best Breast Pumping Guide for New Moms

    Get all of your breast pumping questions answered so you’re never left clueless as a new mom! Learn all of the best tips and tricks to make your breast pumping experience the best it can be!

    Breastfeeding is such an incredible experience! Knowing your little one is so helpless and reliant on you for life, nutrients, and protection is heartwarming.

    But by now, you can testify of the daily and hourly demands that breastfeeding places on new mothers.

    Pumping breast milk seems easy when you read articles, watch videos, and even when you hear of other mothers who do it. But it takes hands-on practice to get comfortable with the process – even power pumping is a thing you can try!

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  • 7 Simple Ways to Boost Your Milk Supply For Your Newborn

    7 Simple Ways to Boost Your Milk Supply For Your Newborn

    Simple ways to boost your milk supply for your new baby at home.

    As a new mother, breastfeeding can be a struggle.

    Late night feedings, low milk supply, and sore nipples are enough to make any mama want to throw in the nipple shields.

    But don’t despair, you are not alone. Don’t toss that pump and give up on breastfeeding just yet!

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  • 10 Ovulation Symptoms to Pay Attention To Help You Get Pregnant

    10 Ovulation Symptoms to Pay Attention To Help You Get Pregnant

    Ovulation symptoms to pay attention to if you want to get pregnant fast

    Are you trying to conceive and have no clue how to read your body?

    Some of the best ways to get pregnant is to start tracking your ovulation symptoms.

    Because if you don’t already know, to increase your chances of getting pregnant, you should be engaging in intercourse when you are at your peak ovulation days.

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Elna is a mom to twins who blogs and writes for a living. She loves all things mom. While she’s not blogging, you can find Elna meal planning, organizing and helping other moms in her Facebook group, Ready Set Blog for Traffic (From Mom to Mompreneur).