• 10 Ways to Quickly Treat Pregnancy Headaches

    10 Ways to Quickly Treat Pregnancy Headaches

    Learn 10 natural remedies to treat your pregnancy headaches.

    Headaches during pregnancy are not easy to endure.

    My pregnancy headaches felt like a prison I just couldn’t escape!

    And forget trying to focus, cook, clean, or even rest.

    Headaches are painful and totally zap your energy and ability to be productive.

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  • 12 Best Ways to Reduce Swollen Feet During Pregnancy

    12 Best Ways to Reduce Swollen Feet During Pregnancy

    Learn 12 ways you can reduce swollen feet during your pregnancy!

     Can’t fit your shoes anymore? Can you even recognize your own feet?

    It can feel a bit scary, huh? A little off (to say the least!).

    Swollen feet during pregnancy is far from comfortable.

    It makes working in and outside of the home harder.

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  • 11 Ways to Encourage Milk Letdown When Breastfeeding

    11 Ways to Encourage Milk Letdown When Breastfeeding

    Learn 11 ways to encourage milk letdown when you’re breastfeeding!

    Your baby has finally arrived and you’re enjoying every moment in their presence. However, getting enough sleep and allowing yourself the space to really heal does take time. But then, breastfeeding and caring for your baby on demand is even more tiring!

    But you can do it, mama.

    First off, you’re awesome for even giving breastfeeding a go at all.

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  • How to Easily Lose Weight While Breastfeeding

    How to Easily Lose Weight While Breastfeeding

    Discover safe ways to lose weight while breastfeeding that won’t compromise your milk supply and baby’s health!

    Now that baby is here, you’re asking the big question.

    How soon can you lose your pregnancy weight?!

    And is it possible (or even healthy) to try to lose weight while breastfeeding?

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  • 20 Ways to Combat Separation Anxiety for Toddlers

    20 Ways to Combat Separation Anxiety for Toddlers

    Learn and try these 20 tips to overcome your toddler’s separation anxiety, no matter how bad it is!

    What do you do when your toddler disapproves of being left alone with anyone accept daddy and …well, you!

    You know you’re in for it.

    Your inner dialogue runs on and on asking you how on earth you’ll maintain sanity with your tot permanently attached to your hip!

    And how about the daily daycare drop off?

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Elna is a mom to twins who blogs and writes for a living. She loves all things mom. While she’s not blogging, you can find Elna meal planning, organizing and helping other moms in her Facebook group, Ready Set Blog for Traffic (From Mom to Mompreneur).