• 33 Best Breastfeeding Tips and Hacks

    33 Best Breastfeeding Tips and Hacks

    Get the best breastfeeding tips to help you nurse like a superstar!

    Breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural connection between a mother and her child.

    Nursing from the breast goes way beyond simply nourishing your little one but, for some women, breastfeeding doesn’t come easily.

    After I had my twins, I wanted to breastfeed and I did but it was a struggle for me. I did not produce enough milk for two babies so I had to supplement with donor breast milk and formula.

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  • The Essential Hospital Bag Checklist for Pregnant Moms

    The Essential Hospital Bag Checklist for Pregnant Moms

    The hospital bag checklist to help you be prepared for your new arrival.

    Congratulations! You’re pregnant! You have nine entire months to absolutely prepare for the arrival of your sweet little angel.

    Baby room decorated? Check!

    House completely baby-proofed? Check!

    Diapers, wipes, onesies, sleepers, socks, bibs and receiving blankets acquired, folded and put away? Check!

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  • What to Expect At Your First Prenatal Visit

    What to Expect At Your First Prenatal Visit

    Preparing for your first prenatal appointment? Here’s what you should expect on your first visit!

    First of all, congratulations on your pregnancy, mama! Finding out you’re pregnant is one of the most exciting moments ever. It’s absolutely incredible to discover there is a little life growing on the inside of you.

    Nine months sure can seem like forever when you’re pregnant. But challenges and all, the journey is nothing short of amazing.

    If this is your first child, knowing what to expect at your first doctor’s visit can help ease your mind and enable you to prepare better, mama.

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  • Top 60 Catchy Songs For Kids That Everyone Will Enjoy (Songs for Kids in 2024)

    Top 60 Catchy Songs For Kids That Everyone Will Enjoy (Songs for Kids  in 2024)

    Here are some fun and catchy songs for kids to beat the heat and occupy your child when they’re bored!

    Time for a dance party with these fun songs for kids!

    Dance parties are a great way to get your kids up and moving without actually telling them you are trying to get them to exercise.

    There are millions of kids dance songs out there, most of them tend to get pretty old pretty quick.

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  • Setting Up Your Amazon Baby Registry

    Setting Up Your Amazon Baby Registry

    Ready to sign up with the best baby registry there is out there, mama? Look no further! Sign up for your Amazon baby registry today!

    Creating a baby registry is a simple, fun, and easy way for your family and friends to send you the gifts you want and need for your baby.

    Your little one is going to need so many different things for his or her arrival that it can be hard to pick just one store to register with.

    Thankfully, Amazon’s baby registry makes an expecting mother’s life SO much easier. I mean, I guess it’s a no-brainer for those of us who are obsessive Amazon shoppers.

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Elna is a mom to twins who blogs and writes for a living. She loves all things mom. While she’s not blogging, you can find Elna meal planning, organizing and helping other moms in her Facebook group, Ready Set Blog for Traffic (From Mom to Mompreneur).