• Best Pregnancy Gifts for First Time Moms

    Best Pregnancy Gifts for First Time Moms

    Get the best pregnancy gifts to spark joy (or a laugh) for first time moms.

    Being a new mother is an exciting time.

    It comes with many joys, anxieties, fears, physical and emotional pains.

    Each and every pregnancy is different. Some women need to make big changes in their daily lifestyles, such as incorporating healthier foods, while others may experience a lot of physical pain due to their growing bodies.

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  • 8 Easy Remedies for Constiptation in Pregnancy

    8 Easy Remedies for Constiptation in Pregnancy

    Relieve constipation in pregnancy for good!

    Heartburn, swollen feet, weird cravings, and constipation, to name a few.

    Constipation in pregnancy is particularly and is a very common compliant among pregnant women.

    Being swollen and bloated with a growing baby is uncomfortable enough, then add a sluggish intestinal track and you are in very long couple of months.

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  • 20 Best New Year’s Resolutions for New Moms

    20 Best New Year’s Resolutions for New Moms

    Get the best New Year resolutions for brand new moms!

    Congratulations on your baby’s arrival, mama!

    Being a new mom can be a challenge. It’s a new chapter in your life and no one is fully prepared for this life job!

    And if you had your baby during this time (my twins were January babies!) you might reflect on the year you had.

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  • 23 Things To Do In Your Third Trimester (or Right Before You Give Birth)

    23 Things To Do In Your Third Trimester (or Right Before You Give Birth)

    Ultimate third trimester checklist for moms!!

    Doesn’t time fly?

    Seems like just last week you were announcing your pregnancy – and soon you’ll be announcing your sweet baby’s arrival. Wow!!

    The third trimester – from 28 to 40 weeks – should be a time to rest, get plenty of sleep and enjoy those last few baby-free weeks with your husband.

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  • 17 Best First Foods for Baby to Introduce

    17 Best First Foods for Baby to Introduce

    Learn the first foods for baby to introduce

    Isn’t it so exciting when your little one gets to try new things?

    If your baby is starting to show interest in trying solid foods – generally around 4-6 months – then it might be time to expand their diet beyond formula or breastmilk.

    If you have been breastfeeding you might feel that breastmilk is nature’s perfect food, right?

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Elna is a mom to twins who blogs and writes for a living. She loves all things mom. While she’s not blogging, you can find Elna meal planning, organizing and helping other moms in her Facebook group, Ready Set Blog for Traffic (From Mom to Mompreneur).