• 23 Things To Do In Your Third Trimester (or Right Before You Give Birth)

    23 Things To Do In Your Third Trimester (or Right Before You Give Birth)

    Ultimate third trimester checklist for moms!!

    Doesn’t time fly?

    Seems like just last week you were announcing your pregnancy – and soon you’ll be announcing your sweet baby’s arrival. Wow!!

    The third trimester – from 28 to 40 weeks – should be a time to rest, get plenty of sleep and enjoy those last few baby-free weeks with your husband.

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  • 17 Best First Foods for Baby to Introduce

    17 Best First Foods for Baby to Introduce

    Learn the first foods for baby to introduce

    Isn’t it so exciting when your little one gets to try new things?

    If your baby is starting to show interest in trying solid foods – generally around 4-6 months – then it might be time to expand their diet beyond formula or breastmilk.

    If you have been breastfeeding you might feel that breastmilk is nature’s perfect food, right?

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  • 18 Things to Do In Your Second Trimester

    18 Things to Do In Your Second Trimester

    Essential Second Trimester Checklist

    Are you in your second trimester of pregnancy, mama?

    The second trimester starts at around week 14, and goes up to week 27.  And it’s known as the’ Honeymoon Phase’ of pregnancy.

    Because you’ve – hopefully – made it through morning sickness. And your energy levels should be rising after that difficult first trimester.

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  • What is Vaginal Pain During Pregnancy?

    What is Vaginal Pain During Pregnancy?

    Vaginal pain during pregnancy? It’s a real thing….

    You peed on the stick…

    You waited the longest 3 minutes ever…

    Congratulations, you’re pregnant!

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  • 8 Ways to Help Your Husband Be a Great Dad

    8 Ways to Help Your Husband Be a Great Dad

    Learn how to support your husband when he becomes a dad

    Becoming a new mom isn’t easy.

    You have to make it through morning sickness, stretch marks, the rigours of labor, childbirth and recovery!!

    But you’ve also had 9 months to get used to the idea of being a mom and to bond with your baby. Now baby is here, your husband has to play catch up and step up to being a dad.

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Elna is a mom to twins who blogs and writes for a living. She loves all things mom. While she’s not blogging, you can find Elna meal planning, organizing and helping other moms in her Facebook group, Ready Set Blog for Traffic (From Mom to Mompreneur).