• 7 Tough Things I Learned After Being a Stay-at-Home Mom

    7 Tough Things I Learned After Being a Stay-at-Home Mom

    New mom? Learn the truth behind being a stay-at-home mom.

    It’s been five years since I’ve been a stay-at-home mom.

    I had a complicated pregnancy with my twins and at 23 weeks was put on bed rest.

    I was ready to deliver my twins at 25 weeks.

    Luckily, I made it to 37 weeks and 2 days and delivered healthy twins.

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  • 20 Everyday Household Item Hacks to Save You Thousands

    20 Everyday Household Item Hacks to Save You Thousands

    Learn to save thousands a year on your household items.

    Do you feel like too much of your monthly budget is going to household items like laundry detergent and diapers?

    I feel ya, mama!

    It seems like I am always buying household cleaners and toiletries.

    My twins are darlings but they can sure make a mess in the house and I’m forever cleaning up after them – although they know have a chore chart and are being rewarded for helping mama!

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  • 9 Surprising Decluttering Tips for the Insanely Busy Mom

    9 Surprising Decluttering Tips for the Insanely Busy Mom

    Declutter your home quickly and easily with these surprising tips to declutter your house – even if you’re insanely busy.

    Can I get real for a moment?

    Since having our twins, our house has been practically overtaken by kids’ stuff.

    It’s like every surface I look at is covered in toys and clothes!

    Can you relate, mama?

    Please tell me you can!

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  • How to Organize Your Kitchen Pantry and Never Waste Food Again

    How to Organize Your Kitchen Pantry and Never Waste Food Again

    Organize your kitchen pantry the easy way and stop wasting food!

    Isn’t dinner time stressful enough?

    After working all day on my business, running after my toddlers, and catching up on errands, the last thing I need is dinnertime stress.

    I recently wrote about some easy make ahead freezer meals which have been an absolute game changer.

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  • The BEST Bullet Journals for Getting Your Mom Life Totally Organized

    The BEST Bullet Journals for Getting Your Mom Life Totally Organized

    Get your mom life organized with these best bullet journals + 55 bullet journal ideas to get you started!


    I have a confession to make.

    Ever since I started blogging, my work area has slowly become disorganized. Multiple notebooks, post-it notes from my twins littering my desk and don’t get me started on pretty pens and highlighters!

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Elna is a mom to twins who blogs and writes for a living. She loves all things mom. While she’s not blogging, you can find Elna meal planning, organizing and helping other moms in her Facebook group, Ready Set Blog for Traffic (From Mom to Mompreneur).