• 15 Clever Outdoor Toy Storage Ideas for Moms with a Toddler

    15 Clever Outdoor Toy Storage Ideas for Moms with a Toddler

    Find some amazing and clever outdoor toy storage ideas for your kiddo!

    As a busy mom with a toddler, it’s important to keep the outdoor playtime fun and safe.

    I should know! I’m a mom of twins – boy and girl – and when they were little kiddos I had my hawk eye on them!

    One would go left and the other one would go right and start playing with their outdoor toys.

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  • 3 Month Old Schedule: A Practical Guide for New Moms

    3 Month Old Schedule: A Practical Guide for New Moms

    Get the guide to the 3 month old schedule for your baby!

    When babies are around 3 months old, they start to develop more predictable patterns in their daily lives.

    While this may seem like a blessing, a typical 3 month old schedule may not work in harmony with yours!

    I have twins, so trust me when I say that babies don’t always sleep and eat when it’s convenient for you – and they certainly don’t coordinate their schedules when there’s two of them!

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  • 50+ Amazing Teacher Appreciation Gifts Your Child Can Give

    50+ Amazing Teacher Appreciation Gifts Your Child Can Give

    It’s time for those teacher appreciation gifts!

    Hey there, moms!

    It’s no secret that teachers play a vital role in shaping our children’s lives.

    They educate, inspire, and nurture their young minds every day.

    So, why not show them some love and appreciation?

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  • Ultimate School Backpack Essentials for Your Child

    Ultimate School Backpack Essentials for Your Child

    Get the latest school back essentials for your kid!

    As a mom, I’m sure you know how important it is to get your child’s backpack ready for school.

    A well-stocked backpack can make the world of difference when it comes to your child’s day and their ability to thrive at school in the classroom.

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  • My Mommy Style So You Can Embrace the Mom You Are

    My Mommy Style So You Can Embrace the Mom You Are

    My mommy style was more a mindset than the clothes I was wearing.

    It’s no secret that moms wear many hats.

    When I look at myself, I see a mother of twins, an entrepreneur, and a wife – but I know there is so much more to me than the roles I fulfill.

    For my mommy style, it was just yoga pants and big shirts so I could accommodate breastfeeding. I try my best to not get caught up in being a “mom” 24/7, even though motherhood is one of the most rewarding and challenging experience in my life.

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Elna is a mom to twins who blogs and writes for a living. She loves all things mom. While she’s not blogging, you can find Elna meal planning, organizing and helping other moms in her Facebook group, Ready Set Blog for Traffic (From Mom to Mompreneur).