• How to Start a Viral Blog + Free Checklist!

    How to Start a Viral Blog + Free Checklist!

    Learn the fast and easy way to start a blog and get a free checklist too!

    UPDATE April 2021: This blog is now over four years old and has been getting over 100,000 pageviews/month for years. It has had many, many, many viral posts, and these days I barely spend more than a few hours a week on the site. It generates a completely passive monthly income through ads and affiliate marketing and some people may even consider it a job-replacing income.  All by following the steps in this post…nothing more! Yay for blogging!

    This blog was started not too long ago (less than five months ago) and I can’t believe how much it’s grown!! I also have met other mom bloggers in this niche and actually had 2 viral posts!

    See, I’m not some super duper expert blogger, although I’ve had some success over the past year or two; I’m a stay-at-home mom who decided to start blogging (freelance writing at first, actually) when my twins turned one, and I was facing going back to work. I wanted to do something to be able to stay home, and working online seemed like the best choice. I needed that connection and fun by being a SAHM.

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  • 170+ Indoor and Outdoor Toddler Activities to Last Mom Hours

    170+ Indoor and Outdoor Toddler Activities to Last Mom Hours

    The mega list of indoor and outdoor toddler activities to quit boredom for good!

    Are you a stay-at-home mom with no time?

    That’s me for sure.

    I have a toddler son and I recently became a stay-at-home mom.

    But, I’m finding I have no stinking time to do anything.

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  • One Simple Thing That is Saving This Family Thousands in Dental Bills

    One Simple Thing That is Saving This Family Thousands in Dental Bills

    Learn this one thing that saved this family thousands in dental bills!

    My husband just came back from the dentist and I couldn’t believe what he told me!

    Before I dive into his life-saving story, I want to preface this post by saying that both my husband and I go to the dentist for cleanings and I’ve had dental work and some wisdom teeth pulled too.

    In our earlier years, we may have skipped a year or two between cleanings. But, after our son was born, life just got busy, and we both neglected our oral care and didn’t see the dentist for years.

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  • Terrible Twos: One Thing I Do to Make My Crazy Toddler Listen 900% of the Time

    Terrible Twos: One Thing I Do to Make My Crazy Toddler Listen 900% of the Time

    This one thing made the terrible twos easier

    When I was little, my mom would tell me I never listened.

    She said my sister never listened either.

    It was the terrible twos!

    She was pulling out her hair TRYING to get us to listen.

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  • 3 Steps to Having a Viral Pin (From 300 to 1.2k Visitors in 1 Day)

    3 Steps to Having a Viral Pin (From 300 to 1.2k Visitors in 1 Day)

    The steps to creating a viral pin from scratch!

    I’ve only been blogging for 3 months, and for one month I didn’t even blog!

    So, really, I’ve only been blogging for two months since most of my time as a stay-at-home mom is spent…well, mommying.

    Smart Mom Ideas is also a new concept for me and I’m still trying to figure out all this blogging thing and my goals for this blog.

    But, then it happened.

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Elna is a mom to twins who blogs and writes for a living. She loves all things mom. While she’s not blogging, you can find Elna meal planning, organizing and helping other moms in her Facebook group, Ready Set Blog for Traffic (From Mom to Mompreneur).