• 85 Healthy Meal and Snack Ideas for Growing Toddlers

    85 Healthy Meal and Snack Ideas for Growing Toddlers

    Get healthy snack ideas for toddlers as well as meal ideas for those picky eaters!

    Every day it’s almost a battle trying to figure out what to feed my toddler. He’s not that much of a picky eater, but if he could, he would eat the same three foods all the time – applesauce, Cheerios and grilled cheese sandwiches.

    And while I don’t have a lot of energy in a day – my toddler can beat me with his loud voice, jumping and running around – there are times when I give in and we have grilled cheese for dinner (with a salad OF COURSE) 🙂

    But, now I’m armed! Yay! Here are 85 healthy meal and snack ideas for your growing toddler. I looked all over Pinterest for the best of the best!

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  • 50 Easy Ways to Be a Fun Mom (From Momster to Funster!)

    50 Easy Ways to Be a Fun Mom (From Momster to Funster!)

    Go from momster to funster as a fun mom!

    I don’t know about you, but ever since I became a mom to my spunky-spirited toddler, I lost all energy to be fun. I’m the watcher that makes sure my son doesn’t get hurt. I’m the patient one when my son wants to try to put on his shoes by himself.

    I’m the angry one when I’ve had it up to here, and my son just is too needy, and I need a break.

    Yup, I’m every other mom except the fun mom.

    The mom that jumps, skips, runs, and swings. The mom that laughs, dances, chase and lift.

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  • My First 3 Months as a New Mom Blogger + 5 Mistakes I Made

    My First 3 Months as a New Mom Blogger + 5 Mistakes I Made

    Get the lowdown of the first three months as a new blogger

    It’s official.

    I’m a mom blogger. It’s been three months since I’ve been blogging and it’s been a whirlwind, to say the least. But, what’s happening over here?

    What’s the whole point of blogging if I’m not monetizing my blog, growing my email list and doing what ALL the other bloggers are doing out there?

    Well, I am a stay-at-home mom.

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  • 63 Ways to Live on One Income (And Be a Stay at Home Mom for Good)

    63 Ways to Live on One Income (And Be a Stay at Home Mom for Good)

    Learn how to live on one income for good!

    Are you itching to be a stay-at-home mom? I recently became a stay-at-home mom and found it a challenge at first to change our habits as a two-income family.

    To live frugally wasn’t in my vocabulary before I became a stay-at-home mom. So, actively trying to cut back on expenses and live off one income was something brand new to me.

    How do you cut corners, save money for the long run and downsize enough to live on a tight budget?

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  • Why Your Child Needs to Do Chores (+ Free Chore Idea Printable)

    Why Your Child Needs to Do Chores (+ Free Chore Idea Printable)

    Get a Free Chore Idea Printable!

    How old should your child be when they start to do chores?

    For a lot of moms, it’s something they want to encourage in their child, but don’t want to ruin the experience, i.e. chore tasks are no longer fun, they are now CHORES!!

    If you are a stay-at-home mom, then chores are an every day task.

    When I became a stay-at-home mom, I had a mountain of laundry to put away and dishes in the sink.

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Elna is a mom to twins who blogs and writes for a living. She loves all things mom. While she’s not blogging, you can find Elna meal planning, organizing and helping other moms in her Facebook group, Ready Set Blog for Traffic (From Mom to Mompreneur).