Postpartum Hair Loss Treatment for New Moms

Learn what postpartum hair loss is and get the best postpartum hair loss remedies

Are you losing your hair, mama?

Have you noticed clumps of hair in your shower drain or comb?

Don’t panic!

I know you’re tired and stressed out looking after your newborn and this is just one MORE thing you have to deal with.

But postpartum hair loss is normal and it does – eventually – stop. Believe me!

I remember showering after I had my twins and pulling out globs of hair. I freaked out! I wasn’t sure if I was sick or if this was normal (it is mama 🙂 ).

And while you wait for postpartum hair loss to stop, there are some simple, budget-friendly things you can do to improve the condition of your hair and make it look thicker.

Let’s go over what postpartum hair loss looks like, why it’s happening to you and if you can prevent it.

What is Postpartum Hair Loss?

In the months following your baby’s birth, you might start to notice extra strands of hair on your pillow, in the shower drain or in your hair brush. You’re not imagining things!

Hair loss is a normal part of the postpartum stage.

Normally we lose between 80 and 100 hairs a day. But in this postpartum stage you might be losing up to 400 hairs a day!! And if you have long hair like me, hair loss is going to be especially noticeable.

The good news is that postpartum hair loss won’t result in baldness and it should stop between 6-12 months after birth.

Note: If you’re worried about hair loss, or if hair loss becomes extreme, please see an appropriate health care provider. This post should not be taken as medical advice. I’m just sharing tips that many women have found helpful.

Why Am I Losing My Hair Postpartum?

Being pregnant can cause some surprising changes to our bodies – including to your hair. Many women report that they have thicker hair during pregnancy.

And it’s true! I normally have thick hair, so when I was pregnant, I was ecstatic to have those thick glorious locks!

Normally around 85% of your hair is growing while the rest is in a ‘resting stage.’ When this resting stage is over, the hair naturally falls out.

But when you get pregnant, your higher than normal levels of oestrogen prolongs this growing stage and you have fewer hairs falling out. So your hair feels thicker– sounds good, right?

And when baby is born – and your oestrogen levels return to normal – the hair falls out. So your hair is just catching up with what should have fallen out over the 9 months of pregnancy.

How Do You Prevent Postpartum Hair Loss?

Unfortunately there is no way to prevent or totally cure postpartum hair loss. But there are definitely some things you can do to make your hair look thicker and fuller.

And the good news is that there are many budget friendly things you can try – because having a baby is already expensive enough, right?

Here are 7 simple and effective things you can try to slow down postpartum hair loss and promote healthy hair growth.

1. Foods to Promote Healthy Hair Growth

Eating a well balanced diet is great for your hair. So now is a good time to take a look at what you’re eating and check if you’re not depleted in key things such as Omega-3, vitamin A and E, and Zinc.

Be sure to include some of the following foods in your weekly meal plan:

  • Fish like salmon and mackerel
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Avocados
  • Nuts
  • Seeds

For more foods that promote healthy hair, take a look at this helpful list.

And if you’re struggling to get a healthy dinner on the table fast, why not try an Instant Pot. I got one for Christmas and it’s been a game-changer! Check out a list of my favorite delicious, plant based dinners – they’re full of hair boosting nutrients.

2. Hairstyles to Cover Up Postpartum Hair Loss

Chances are you won’t have a ton of time for hair styling since you’re busy with your baby!

And I should tell you that now would be a good time to skip the hair dryer, curling tongs and straighteners. Those harsh styling tools will do your thinning hair no good!

So, use the time you save for extra sleep! Double win!!

And don’t forget to talk to your hairdresser about styles that will help you conceal hair loss or make your hair look thicker. You may be losing hair in patches or it may be just going thinner all over, so different styles will work for different mamas.

And remember that simple tricks like changing your parting or adding some hair accessories can cover up or distract the eye from thinning hair.

3. Use a Gentle Comb

There’s no evidence to show that washing your hair causes more hair loss. But be extra careful when combing your wet hair, mama.

And be sure to use a good quality comb. This anti-static wooden comb is great for detangling wet hair without causing more breakages. Definitely worth the investment right now!

4. Try Castor Oil

Castor oil is high in vitamin E and Omega-6, and it’s traditionally been used as an aid for  beautiful hair.

Even Marie Claire raved about it!

You can use castor to massage your scalp to improve circulation and even use it as a once a week leave in conditioner. Be careful not to use too much – just a few drops will be enough. And be sure to wash and rinse well to avoid that greasy feeling.

There’s also lots of anecdotal evidence that Castor oil can improve hair quality. Wellness mama wrote about how she used Castor oil.

And here’s a simple guide to using castor oil for hair growth. The good thing about castor oil is that it’s easy to find and budget friendly.

I recommend using this one!

5. Take Your Vitamins for Postpartum Hair Loss

One of the first things we do when we get pregnant is stock up on the vitamins. And that’s great! But it’s also helpful to keep taking vitamins after baby is born.

Because the postpartum stage can be so stressful!! You’re sleep deprived and you’re not perhaps eating the best you can.

Sia Cooper from Diary of a Fit Mommy struggled with postpartum hair loss and suggests carrying on taking your prenatal vitamin.

This vitamin is recommended for before, during and after pregnancy.  And it contains biotin which is commonly used for hair loss.

Or you could take a vitamin supplement specially formulated for hair.

These hair, skin and nail gummies include biotin.

Be sure to check with the appropriate healthcare provider before taking any vitamins or other supplements especially if you’re breastfeeding.

6. Try a Shampoo for Postpartum Hair Loss

OK, we know that there is no wonder product that’s going to give us a luscious mane overnight! But you can get good results by using a high quality shampoo formulated to slow down hair loss and promote hair growth.

This shampoo contains biotin and the reviews are great! I’m past the postpartum stage, but I think I’m going to check this one out! Just remember to comb wet hair carefully!

7. Try Scalp Massage and Hair Oil

Another great – and budget friendly – way to promote hair growth is with a simple scalp massage. A scalp massage relieves tension and promote good circulation. So it’s great for healthy hair growth.

You could massage with castor oil. Or you could try this organic hair growth oil for maximum benefits.


8. Whip Up a Nourishing Hair Mask

A homemade hair mask might be just the thing to get your scalp and hair in the best possible condition – and fight postpartum hair loss the natural way. And the good news is you probably already have the ingredients to hand!

Check out this list of 15 homemade hair masks for hair loss.

The only problem is deciding which one to try first!

More Helpful Tips for Living With Postpartum Hair Loss

  1. Protect your drains with a TubShroom – this one is guaranteed to catch all those hairs to make cleaning the bathroom easier. It comes in a range of colors and looks awesome
  2. If you’ve already got a drain problem, this little gadget are great for getting those hairs out of the drain. We have them and they work for the sinks really well!
  3. If you’ve got long hair, watch out for any shedding hairs getting in your baby’s diaper or getting tightly wrapped around little one’s limbs. This ‘hair tourniquet’ can cause pain for baby and irritation for you as you try to figure out why baby is crying!

Postpartum Hair Loss

I hope you found this post on postpartum hair loss helpful.

Believe me, mama, I know how scary postpartum hair loss can be!! But it is really common and it does eventually slow down and your hair should return to normal.

Over to you – are you struggling with postpartum hair loss right now? Have you coped with it in the past? Do you have any life saving tips to share?

Don’t forget to pin for later!

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Oh my god, I’m so sorry! There’s no feeling worse than feeling your hair falling off as a woman. I used to dread taking showers all the time. Now I don’t mind. This is my story and some of my best advice which I hope is going to be of much help. I’m a woman in her 50’s and I didn’t give much thought to my sprouting gray hairs and my hair loss in my 30’s during my first pregnancy because they were virtually undetectable; however, as my patch turned into a streak, I began to question whether or not I should address them although it was the last thing I wanted to do ? Should I color them? Should I stick to natural hairstyles where they’d go unnoticed? I was really on the fence, yet I didn’t feel particularly rushed to conceal my grays… I’m glad there are finally solutions out there for doing something about it that actually work! I finally feel a lot more confident in my hair ? Wishing you the best of luck in your journey, sis. Hope my advice was of help to you <3 DebbieReply
Hi Debbie For me I try to DIY hair color treatments without ammonia and then I use color spray for my roots and that seems to help!Reply
The most effective thing for me dealing with postpartum hair loss was being recommended the postpartum hair max strength vitamins from Baby Blues. Literally meant to replenish the vitamins shed after having the baby. Contains biotin, collagen, b12, folate, vitamin a etc. My first pregnancy I cried in my obgyn’s office after experiencing extreme shedding and loss. It can be so brutal. I tried many things (hated the scalp oil drops – always felt greasy, i do not like taking pills-always hard on my stomach). I ended up just doing a comparison with this supplement and it’s just hands down superior than anything I was looking at Target or Nordstrom etc. The first month it helped the weird baby hairs grow quickly and by month 3 ( a hair cylce) it had slowed the shedding and I was getting fullness back.Reply
YES! i take this one too. my obgyn told me to get it after I had a somewhat similar experience.. I think I more threatened for a solution instead of cried though. I feel like the one thing I have going for me as a mom as far as tips is like go to ( … they sell out just ordered for a friend of mine. Also just read a blog on that site about how people right now are shedding because of Covid stress and its becoming a more widespread problem. This is my go to gift right now.Reply

Elna is a mom to twins who blogs and writes for a living. She loves all things mom. While she’s not blogging, you can find Elna meal planning, organizing and helping other moms in her Facebook group, Ready Set Blog for Traffic (From Mom to Mompreneur).