Fast and natural morning sickness remedies to help you in your first trimester

You’re pregnant!
And pregnancy is a wonderful, life-changing experience.
But being pregnant also comes with a bunch of annoying symptoms – like morning sickness!
Most of pregnant women suffer with it and, no, morning sickness doesn’t just strike in the mornings!!
But what are you supposed to do? Maybe you have a job to go to or have other children to care for – or both!
Morning sickness remedies was a top challenge with my twin pregnancy.
I worked in the school system and anything tipped me off – smells, different sitting positions, food and more put me in full-blown morning sickness….all day! It was hard gaining weight with all my all day sickness.
So, to help you motor along through your first trimester, I’ve rounded up 30 of the best ways to relieve morning sickness.
Good luck, mama!
I am not a medical professional and this should not be taken as medical advice. I’m just sharing things that many mothers-to-be have found helpful. If you are concerned about you or your baby, please consult an appropriate medical professional immediately. Please DON’T struggle on alone.
Typical Morning Sickness Symptoms

I was in pure bliss when I found out I was pregnant with twins. I was scared (of losing my babies) and overly cautious the first trimester.
But that all changed once the nausea hit.
I was still working (I was later put on bedrest) in the school system and had to pretend I was fine.
Another morning sickness symptom I had was the sensitivity to smell. The lunch room at school was too much for me and I remember I ate my lunch in the classroom or outside.
Some more symptoms that come during that first trimester are:
- fatigue
- vomitting
- thirst
- heartburn
If you find that your morning sickness is severe – persistent vomiting, a decrease in urination, weight loss, headaches and confusion – you might have hyperemesis gravidarum. Tell your doctor if that happens.
For more help, make sure to check out this book by Lisa McAully, The Morning Sickness.
Keep reading to find out what two things worked for me in my first trimester!
Simple Steps to Relieve Morning Sickness
1. Breakfast in Bed
That’s right – try eating something before you even get out of bed in the morning. I know you might not feel like it, but many moms-to-be find this helps to relieve morning sickness.
Some people suggest that carbs are best for relieving morning sickness. So maybe keep a pack of breakfast biscuits by your bed so you can grab one when you wake up. Or ask your hubby to bring you some plain toast!!
But other moms-to-be have found that a banana or a handful of raisins can help too. So find what works for you.
2. Plenty of Rest

I know!
That’s not always practical when you to work and/or have other children to care for.
And I know you’ll have a to-do list as long as your arm.
But sometimes you just have to put the to-do list down and rest. Don’t panic about finishing the nursery or buying more baby clothes.
3. Avoid Spicy Food
Yes, if you’re feeling queasy, try avoiding spicy foods. This really comes down to what works for you. But it’s worth a try, right?
4. Avoid Hot Food
When you’re struggling with morning sickness, the last thing you’ll want to do is stand in the kitchen preparing hot food. So why not try sticking to cold food until the nausea passes.
If you’ve got a husband and other children to feed, try using an Instant Pot for some yummy recipes to quickly and easily throw something nourishing for dinner.
5. Eat Regularly
I know this is another thing you’ll probably not feel like doing.But eating frequently can help relieve morning sickness. So keep those sugar levels from dipping with a couple of healthy snacks throughout the day.
6. Stay Hydrated
Try to keep a water bottle close to you at all times to help you get your 8-8oz glasses a day. Staying hydrated is essential for all moms, but especially if you’ve been unable to keep anything down.
I LOVE my thermos water bottle. It’s huge and keeps my water ice cold all day.
By the way, mama, staying hydrated is also vital for breastfeeding moms and even helps you to lose that baby weight. So now’s a good time to get into some good habits.
7. Distract Yourself

Obviously this won’t be possible if you’re hit hard by morning sickness symptoms. But if your symptoms are relatively mild, some moms find it helpful to try to distract themselves.
So it’s the perfect excuse for that Netflix binge!
Or take a look at these funny maternity shirts and give yourself a laugh – there is a fun side to pregnancy, I promise!
8. Stay Cool
Nothing makes nausea worse than being stuck somewhere warm.
So, if you’re feeling queasy, try getting a few breaths of cool air.
If you’re at work, a cheap fan might help you stay cool and relieve those morning sickness symptoms. Get a battery operated so you can take it anywhere
You might find it helpful to dress in layers too, so you can peel off some layers when nausea strikes.
9. Consider your Magnesium Levels
Some women swear that upping their levels of magnesium eased their morning sickness. Find out more here and here.
As with anything though, be sure to check with an appropriate healthcare professional before you take any supplements or change your diet.
Natural Remedies to Keep in Your Morning Sickness Kit
If you’re struggling with morning sickness, try putting together a ‘Morning Sickness Survival Kit’ for yourself that you can take with your when you’re out and about.
You’ll be glad you did, mama!
Here are some great items you might pack in your kit.
10. Morning Sickness Candy
Despite the advice to get plenty of rest, sometimes you have to get out and about.
Got to shop for those cute baby clothes, right?
So be sure to take something with you to ease your morning sickness, whenever it might strike.
And morning sickness candies might be just the thing!
11. Tummydrops: Ginger
We know that ginger is pretty much a rock star when it comes to fighting morning sickness!
It’s soothing to the stomach and it tastes good in cooking and in your morning sickness remedy!
Be sure to get the gluten-free sickness-easing ginger candies as they are great to keep on hand in case of emergencies.
12. Tummydrops: Peppermint
Maybe you want a different flavor?
How about trying peppermint candies to ease your morning sickness?
Many of these are made with natural ingredients and gluten free, they’re awesome for moms-to-be.
I personally couldn’t stand the peppermint smell when I was pregnant, but you may enjoy it!
13. Preggie Pop Drops
When I was pregnant with my twins I made sure to stash these in my desk, in my purse, in my car, in the kitchen and anywhere I would be in a day!
They were a lifesaver for me when I was pregnant with twins!
These candies come a selection of flavors – great, if you’re still sick of ginger!
This tin includes 4 different flavors: Sour Raspberry, Sour Lemon, Sour Tangerine, and Green Apple.
14. Preggie Drops Plus
One thing with morning sickness is the nausea and vomiting. And that means losing essential minerals and vitamins. I had a hard time eating in my first trimester.
I was losing weight actually!
I had to make sure I was taking proper vitamins and if my morning sickness candy had that boost, all the better.
Some candies include Vitamin B6 which is thought to help ease morning sickness.
15. Sea Band – Mama Acupressure Wrist Bands
You’ve probably seen these bands used for travel sickness, but did you know acupressure can also help ease morning sickness?
This was my second go-to remedy to help me combat “all-day” sickness when I was working.
I would put them on in the morning and whenever I felt nauseous, I just used my sea bands and it eased my symptoms greatly!
I love that these bands are a discrete option for relieving morning sickness and budget-friendly too.
16. Essential Oil Inhalers
If you can’t even bear the thought of popping a candy in your mouth, help is at hand.
Try aromatherapy inhalers for nausea.
If the sea bands didn’t work, I was going to get this (but luckily they did).
You may have to try a couple to find which essential oils are really going to work for you.
17. Oat Breakfast Biscuits
Ok, so these are not officially a remedy for morning sickness.
But eating little and often helps keep morning sickness at bay.
So having a filling snack with you can be a real lifesaver if you get stuck at work, in traffic or have to look at just one more stroller.
Oat breakfast biscuits are made with oats to keep your energy levels up. And provide you with some fiber and B vitamins – essential for moms-to-be.
18. Hair Ties
For me these are essential for surviving morning sickness and making life easier!!
Put a couple of hair ties in your morning sickness kit so you’re never in a panic if nausea hits.
Tying up long hair is a quick way to cool down when nausea strikes.
And these hair ties will be useful if you do actually have to vomit – a little bottle of mouthwash and a pack of tissue may be handy too! Enough said!!
Foods that Relieve Morning Sickness
Some foods are known to help ease morning sickness. So even though you might not feel like cooking, trying to work a couple of these foods into your day, may help ease your symptoms.
19. Ginger
Ginger has long been used to relieve nausea.
And Andrea at Holistically Loved created this anti-nausea popsicle especially for moms-to-be.
Combining bananas, strawberries, and ginger there’s plenty to love about this one.
It’ll also make a nutritious snack later on when you’re busy with baby!!
20. Lemon
Moms to be are often advised to use lemon to help ease morning sickness.
Eating, drinking, or even just sniffing lemons can help. So why not whip up a vitamin C packed batch of homemade lemonade?
Looks delicious, right?
Don’t forget to pop some in your water bottle so you can sip on it through the day – morning sickness doesn’t just strike in the morning, right?
21. Watermelon
No, it’s not just a summer treat!
Studies show that watermelon can actually relieve morning sickness. And better still, watermelon can help keep moms-be-be hydrated.
You could eat your watermelon in a fruit salad or slushi. But here’s an amazing looking watermelon and raspberry smoothie recipe, that you’ll be making even after baby is born!
22. Lemons and Watermelon
Lemons and watermelon are great ways to ease morning sickness.
So why not combine the two?
Jaclyn from Cooking Classy has a great recipe for watermelon lemonade. And it looks delicious!
Ease Morning Sickness With a Cup of tea
Since moms-to-be have to watch their caffeine intake, why not switch up your morning cup of coffee with a morning sickness-relieving tea.
23. Morning Sickness Tea
If you don’t like the taste of ginger, but want the stomach settling benefits of ginger – try morning sickness tea.
This peach flavored ginger tea can be drunk hot or cold and it’s decaffeinated.
You can even drink it cold if drinking hot tea aggravates your morning sickness. But, it’s worth the try!
Try sipping on this one throughout the day to ease morning sickness and stay hydrated.
24. Ginger Tea
Ginger tea is a lifesaver for many moms-to-be especially since too much caffeine is a no-no when you’re pregnant.
And you can add some honey if you prefer it a bit sweeter.
You can even drink it iced on those hot days. Double win!!
Just one word of caution:
Be sure to check with the appropriate health professional before using herbal teas to combat morning sickness. Some herbal teas are not appropriate for pregnant women. Be safe, mama!
Use Ginger
Ginger has long been used as a traditional remedy for sickness and nausea.
And it’s been scientifically proven too. It doesn’t seem to matter how you prepare the ginger, or whether you eat or drink it.
So I’ve rounded up some morning sickness busting ginger based recipes for you. Take your pick and find what works for you.
25. Ginger Sweets
Don’t these look awesome!
Sheryl from Rebooted Mom shares this recipe for homemade ginger chews.
She has 5 children, so she probably knows a thing or two about morning sickness, right?
The sweets are individually wrapped, so you can carry a stash of them in your purse for morning sickness emergencies. I’m sure these are also going to come in handy for when my twins feel car sick!!
26. Ginger Chewing Gum
Another great item to keep in your purse – or your morning sickness emergency kit.
It’s got natural ginger oil in it to combat nausea – and a ton of great reviews.
Why not give it a try?
I sure wish I’d known about this one when I was pregnant with my twins.
27. Ginger Smoothie
If you’re a fan of smoothies, Corina from Searching for Spice has an amazing orange, carrot and ginger smoothie.
This is a great alternative if you find some ginger products too fiery because you can decide how much ginger to put in.
28. Ginger Lollipop
If you’ve got the energy, why not try whipping up a batch of these ginger lollipops. This recipe from The Pistachio Project uses only 4 ingredients!
28. Ginger Cookies
With ginger, cloves and cinnamon, what’s not to love about these ginger cookies?
Don’t forget to bake a double batch, I think these are going to go fast!!
And is it me, or would these also make beautiful homemade Christmas gifts?
29. Soup
If you prefer something savory, make soup!
Natalie from Perry’s Plate has a delicious looking roasted butternut squash, carrot and ginger soup. This is a soup the whole family can enjoy. And it would be easy to make a big batch and freeze some for later.
Filling your freezer is a great way to prepare for baby!
Easy Ways to Relieve Morning Sickness
There ya’ go!
I hope you find your remedy to relieve morning sickness!
And remember, not all of these remedies are going to work for everybody. So it’s important to try a couple and see what works for you.
Morning sickness can really suck the joy of out of pregnancy.
But hopefully it will pass soon and you can start to prepare for baby’s arrival, breastfeeding, and those first precious days with your newborn.
Your turn – are you struggling with morning sickness?
Have you found something that relieves your morning sickness? Tell me in the comments!

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